Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Domestic jobs for British workers. Can we ever become a global community?

"Gordon Brown promised yesterday to launch a drive to train thousands of unemployed workers for jobs currently being filled by immigrants flocking to Britain". Telegraph reported two years back when Mr Brown was a chancellor. The "global" economic crisis has brought the issue back to fore. But I smell double standards in the whole issue. On one hand when Britain says that the crisis is a globaly created one and requires a global solution, statements favouring Protectionist regimes sends out wrong signals. Britain is not alone here. Debate has started in the USA and it has long been running in the developing world including India, China and the other developing countries. The question then is "Can we ever become a true global community"

I am extremely proud to be studying at The London Business School. Let us look at the claims made on our site. "Why choose LBS?. London is the world's best connected city, with 300-plus languages spoken everyday. ". Diversity in the students and faculty contributed to our becoming the world's best B-school. One of the major factors which appeal to the students when they choose LBS is the prospect of working in this great city. London has always welcomed the immigrants and in turn the immigrants have contributed to the development of the Metropolis. A temporary downturn in the economy should not cause panic amongst the nationals because small sparks can cause xenophobic reactions from those affected by the gloom similar to what happenned in Marseille and Mumbai. Politicians should be careful not to shatter the dream of becoming a unified world.